Speaker Management

Can I add speakers to my list one at a time?

Yes, you can.

Within ‘Manage Speakers’ tab, click on ‘Create New’ on the upper right corner. You can then choose your preferred method of adding from ‘Create New’ or 'Search from Database' from the pop-up. The 'Create New' option allows you to input the information related to the speaker; there are some mandatory fields here. You can request additional information via the 'Request' option later. If you choose 'Search from Database', then you can import a speaker from any of your past or current events. If you have the speaker information from any of your events, then it makes it easy to add them to your current event.

Choose ‘Create New’ from the pop-up

Can I send a form for potential speakers to apply?

Yes, you can. There are two ways you can access the form that is automatically created when you create a new event. The URL of the "Speaker Apply Form" can be found on the event main page or in the sub tab of "Manage Speakers" page called "Speaker Information". When you click on this tab, it automatically opens the form where the speakers can apply to speak at your event.

Click on the first option ‘Speaker information’

A form opens up in another tab. You may send this form’s link to your speakers to fill in.

How do I manage speakers when they apply for my event?

Once a speaker has applied to your event, their names will show up in the New Speakers section. Within the New Speakers section, change their status to the available statuses. The available status settings are :

  • 1. Approved
  • 2. In-contract
  • 3. In-review
  • 4. Research
  • 5. Rejected

Apart from these options, you can create your own customized status. Once you change their status, they will move to the ‘Manage Speakers’ section. From here you can notify them, request for information, or even edit their information.

Can I create custom speaker categories for my event?

Yes, you can. Within an event, click on 'Speakers' and then select ‘Type Settings’. The categories available are:

  • 1. Moderator
  • 2. Executive Roundtable
  • 3. Immersive Experience
  • 4. Power Talks
  • 5. Breakouts
  • 6. Workshops
  • 7. Power Panel
  • 8. Keynote
  • 9. Other

From this page, click on ‘Create New Type Setting’. Fill in and save the information; you have now created a new type of speaker classification.

Here you can set your custom speaker category.

Can I import speakers from other events that I hosted previously?

Yes, you can. Within the ‘Manage Speakers’ section, click on ‘Create New’.

From the pop-up that appears, click on the ‘Search From Database’ option. This option lets you import a speaker from any of your past or current events. So if you have that speaker information of any of your events, then it makes it easy to add them to your current event.

Can I import speakers from a spreadsheet?

Yes, you can. The best practice is a two-step process so the data that is being imported gets associated with the correct field. First click on 'Export Speakers' in the 'Manage Speakers' section. This gives you access to a spreadsheet in .csv format. Do not change the format. You will now have the columns with titles. To import speakers, add associated information in each relevant column and ensure that mandatory fields like 'Name' and 'Email Address' have data. Once you complete adding records to your spreadsheet, save the file in .csv format.

The second step is to go back to the application and click on 'Import Speakers' and follow the steps and connect to the file you just saved. All the new records will be saved in the 'New Speaker' section. You can then accept them by categorizing them as needed.

What is speaker influence score?

We developed the speaker influence score to help event organizers make decisions on their speaker selection. This score is computed from the information each speaker provides of their digital presence. Some of the information that we use to calculate the influence score includes their social media followers, the frequency and engagement rate of the content they share, and several other factors.

Can I create customer speaker status for my event?

Yes, you can. Within an event, click on 'Speakers' and then select ‘Status Settings’. The available status settings are :

  • 1. Approved
  • 2. In-contract
  • 3. In-review
  • 4. Research
  • 5. Rejected

From this page, click on ‘Create New Status’.

Here you can set your custom speaker status for your event.

How can I assess all my approved speakers for diversity and inclusion?

The 'Approved Speaker' feature gives you insight into the aspect of diversity and inclusion. There are several ways to access the 'Approved Speaker' feature.

You can access the 'Approved Speakers' in the event home page. It shows you a public view of the approved speakers for your event and this URL can be shared in your community.

The second way to access the 'Approved Speakers' is in the Speaker Dashboard under the 'Dashboard' tab.

The 'Approved Speakers' also appears as a sub tab of 'Manage Speakers'. In this tab, you can see a list of all the approved speakers. You can also view them as thumbnails. Here you also have the opportunity to embed the approved speakers in a thumbnail view on your event websites.

These views help you ensure that your event is diverse and inclusive.

Can I edit information about my speakers?

Yes, you can. There is an 'Edit' icon against speaker names in the ‘Manage Speakers’ section. Click on the icon and it displays all available information. Save all changes made.

In addition, the 'View' icon provides you options to view the speaker information in an appealing format.

You can edit the speaker’s information.

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Speaker Engage™ is a fully-integrated, cloud-based platform, designed by event organizers for event organizers who want to curate and delight speakers & sponsors by removing the chaos from event execution.

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